
Khaos? What is it?

Khaos is a brand new RP site that combines sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural and reality to one fantastic post-apocalyptic world.

It was founded by Ken Yap.

Link to Khaos

Alignments in Khaos

update: Alignments have been changed to "Bloodlines".


 1. Common Vamps
 2. Half-Vamps
 3. Draculus/Draculine


 1. Common Werewolves
 2. Lycans


 2. Hypnotist
 3. Faes
 4. Shamans
 5. Black Magic users
  - Voodoos
  - Evil eyes
  - Plaques
 6. Faith healers



The common people. Celebs, professionals, politicians, laborers, scholars/students, law enforcers and such...
Some humans have ESPs and are psychics... (Self-explanatory)

Vampires/ Half- Vamps (Human/witch-vamps, T-virus infected vamps)

also called the Cold Ones.

(From Twilight Wiki)
They are immortals who feed and survive on the blood of humans and animals.

Their skin is flawless and textured with a marble-like substance much harder and stronger than granite. Due to the crystalline properties of their cells, when a vampire is exposed to sunlight, their body will sparkle like diamonds. For vampires who feed on human blood, their eyes reflect a deep red, as opposed to those who drink animal blood, whose eyes will reflect a medium gold color. Vampires also possess superhuman powers, such as speed and strength. Vampires also have incredibly keen senses and are able to hear for miles and see in total darkness.
Vampires are indeed immortal unless destroyed. Vampires are unable to sleep, and thus spend all days and nights awake. After transformation, some vampires attribute specials abilities such as foresight or telepathy. However most vampires have no special abilities, and instead have a prominent personality or physical trait from their human life magnified. Vampires are unharmed by garlic, holy items, or wooden stakes; they have reflections and shadows, and are able to walk freely in the sunlight without being physically damaged by it.
Blood is the only component of a vampire's diet; failing to drink blood (whether human or animal) for an extended period of time will physically and mentally weaken a vampire. The longer a vampire abstains from blood, the more likely the vampire will lose their rationality and mental faculties until they give into their thirst, because their throats are described to be in burning torment which will get worse the longer they lack blood in their systems. Animal blood is less appealing to vampires though it still gives them nutritions, and a vampire that feeds on human blood is fractionally stronger than another vampire the same size that feeds on animal blood. Vampires that live on animal blood are referred to as "vegetarians". On occasion, the appeal of human blood can be so enticing that a vegetarian vampire will lose his control, especially if his self-control is weak. When they drink blood that smells very appetizing, their throat starts to "burn" and all they will think about is their thirst, and thus loses all sense of self. To a vegetarian, carnivores' blood is more appetizing than herbivores, though still not quite as good as humans.
Vampires are also capable of consuming human food and drinks, however, their bodies are no longer able to digest it and must cough it up later. This is usually a method used by vampires who wish to blend in with human society.
A vampire's skin is described as "chalky", alabaster, or marble (because of its texture and feel, as well as its appearance). Regardless of original ethnicity, a vampire's skin will be exceptionally pale. The hue varies slightly, with darker-skinned humans having a barely discernible olive tone to their vampire skin, but the light shade remains the same. They owe their unnatural pale complexion to their lack of blood flow; once they reach the first anniversary of their transformation, they no longer possess blood of their own (though they still become slightly flushed after feeding). When the venom spreads, it also leeches pigment in the skin, so after the transformation is complete, the vampire loses nearly all its skin color, as well as any moles, freckles, scars, or any other part of the skin with pigment from their human life. Their strong resemblance to marble statues rests also on their skin's granite-like appearance and impenetrability, as well as the no longer need to blink - the venom-based fluid that resides in the eyes now fulfills the function of eyelids and also lubricates the eye so that it can move easily within its sockets. The vampire also is unable to produce tears after the transformation, as tears are used to remove objects harmful to the eye, and those objects would be unable to harm a vampires eye. A vampire may not move at all, if need be, and if they stay immobile for several thousand years, they will start showing the appearance of fragility or petrification, though their physical capabilities will remain unchanged.
A vampire's eye color changes with both his/her age and diet. Newborn vampires show bright red eyes regardless of how long they abstain from blood, or their diet. A diet of human blood would eventually darken them to a rose red color. However, a diet of animal blood would instead dilute the eyes to a golden color. A vampire who has repently fed on animal blood will have light, honey gold eyes, while a vampire who has recently fed on human blood will have vivid crimson eyes. All older vampires' eyes darken perceptively as they abstain from blood, until their eyes become onyx, or coal black. The process usually takes one to two weeks before the eyes are turned completely black.
Powers: Enhanced speed, strength and senses (smell, hear, vision/sight)

a vampire

*Vampire's venom can turn humans/witches to vampires. Witches turned vampires will keep their witch's powers. Vampire venom are poisonous to animals and werewolves. Vampires infected with T-virus mutates becoming a Draculus/Draculine (Male/Female). Vamps turned to Draculus/Draculine becomes insane with blood and flesh and no longer can control their hunger, though they can still come back to their human forms.Draculus/Draculine both have wide span bat wings. They are also much stronger version of vampires. Vampires turned Draculus return their brown complexions, when in their monster form they appeared fur-hairy and monstrous heads compared to Draculines which retain their white chalky vampire complexion and in monster form doesn't change much with it comes to appearance.

A Draculus in the middle of transformation.



also known as Children of the Moon

(From Twilight-wiki)

They phase, or change form, in response to the cycle of the moon. In their changed form, they do not entirely resemble actual wolves: their forelegs are more powerful than their hind legs, and they still have usable hands with opposable thumbs. In addition, their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat apelike, rather than entirely canine.

Children of the Moon change form only at night, and during the fullest phase of the moon. While in their werewolf form, Children of the Moon lose their human consciousness; they are feral rather than rational. Usually, they run alone, or with one companion of the opposite gender. Children of the Moon cannot breed in their animal form; they can only spread their species only by infecting other humans through a bite. Infected humans who have children will not pass their abilities to their offspring.
In their animal form, Children of the Moon have heightened strength and speed that make them both deadly and difficult to kill; contrary to legend, these werewolves cannot be killed with a silver bullet, nor does silver repel them. Their amplified abilities make them capable of destroying a lone vampire while it took several shape-shifters to kill Laurent. One advantage the werewolf has in both his/her human and animal forms is immunity to vampire venom, both the transformative properties and the pain-producing properties.
In their changed form, they do not entirely resemble actual wolves: Their forelegs are more powerful than their hind legs, and they still have usable hands with opposable thumbs. In addition, their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat ape-like, rather than entirely canine.
Because vampires and Children of the Moon share the same food source and because each is an exception to the other's near indestructibility, they are natural enemies. Over time, however, the vampires have hunted the once populous werewolves into near extinction.
It has been confirmed that they cannot breed in animal form, nor do they pass their abilities to their offspring. Like vampires, they change people into werewolves by biting them, infecting them with their poison. Unlike the legendary version they're based on, they are not vulnerable to silver bullets. Shape-sifters, however, pass their powers to their offsprings, but they remain dormant until the carrier comes across a vampire, which will activate his gene, gradually building up his physical stature until he is ready to transform.
Like the shape-shifters, werewolves probably have enhanced strength and speed, rapid healing, and heightened senses. In addition, they are immune to vampire venom in both human and animal incarnations, and their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat apelike, rather than entirely canine. However, shape-shifters have a deadly response to vampire venom, while venom alone is not fatal, it can be with addition to serious injuries.

Recently, a new monster had occurred in Mississippi.. A Lycan.

Dark-blue complexion, double the sized of common werewolves and walks in two foots, Lycans are infected werewolves that are stuck in their wolf-forms.


All witches have ESPs (can sense, hear, communicate with ghostly spirits and entities)
They perform different rituals. And varies...
1. Mentalist Urban witches that lived their normal lives as citizens. They possessed great mental powers of telekinesis and telepathy. They are the most typical type of witches. They're too diversify that no one knew they're origin.

2. Hypnotist Mostly are families of doctors, lawyers and scholars... Commonly born with poor eye sights. The geekiest wittiest witches obsessed with knowledge and books. The public knew about them...
Power: Hypnotism

3. Faes The second rarest type, and the only all-girl witch bloodline. Favored by the Devas and nature spirits, they worshiped mother nature, the moon, the sun and the stars. Believed to be children of the elves and related to the great wizard, Merlin. They were sole practitioners of magic chosen personally by deities to represent them on the upcoming war of humanity. Inhabits the mountains,coastlines, forests, wilds and valleys. Faes originated since the time of gods.
Powers: Weather Manipulation and Nature Enhancement

4. Shamans
Vegetarian, tribe of hunk and muscular tattooed witches, dominated by the male gender though there are also female ones but only one out of ten in ratio. Shamans can communicate with animals through whistling, growling and animalistic gestures and body languages. Most of them are African races. For them, animals are sacred as gods. Witches that have good hand to hand combat. Lived a nomadic life in the desert wilds travelling with packs and tent houses. They are skilled also in handling medieval weapons like bows, swords and daggers. Opposite of Faes.

5. Voodoos
Hags in appearance, there were like the old traditional witch-hags depicted in films and television. By acquiring, any possession or body parts of the target one may inflict deadly illusion of pain. The most sadistic witches ever.
6. Evil eyes
Witches of hate and grudge, doesn't like seeing there own reflections. Induced pain by focusing and staring maliciously to a target.

7. Plaques
The insane type of hooded witches, they bring havoc and devastation to small towns with the ability to control pests at will: rats, slugs, flies, mosquitoes, insects, cockroaches and locusts. They were scavengers dressed in their filthy rags. Often can be identified by physical impairments. Their loyalty was in the darkness and the Anti-Christ. Highly condensed in small towns. Never gone to urban areas.

8. Faith healers are Christian-witches that still believe in the power of the cross. They are very faithful, happy-good person and full of values. Almost in their life, they devoted practicing the rightful Christian way. (but priest still don't accept/open to them) They preserved their virginity and purify their souls through cleansing rituals. They can nullify and break curses through positive conditioning. Positive conditioning is the process of extending their light-auras to influence other being optimistic and hopeful when times of despair. It also wards off black magic users and negativeness, some low level monsters for a little chance. They are self-less potionmakers. Master faithhealers can do random miracle occurrences like Saints by focused prayers. The most discipline and religious type of witches. Angelic and celestial beings grant faithhealers additional powers and aid them when needed. They also visit them when necessary bringing omens in their dreams, warning them of future threats. Notable weapons are stingray whips.

NPCs of each alignments can be seen in the Census page.